Savory PiesArtichoke Savory PieArtichoke Savory Pie is a unique spring-flavored savory tart. Easy to make and perfect to enjoy during Easter, here's how to prepare it! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ × 5 / 5 You need to enable JavaScript to voteDifficulty EasyPreparation 15 minutesCooking 55 minutesServings for Serves 8 Send × Facebook Twitter Email Pinterest Save PrintThe Artichoke Savory Pie is an easy recipe to make, though it requires some time: in just over an hour, you’ll be able to serve a truly delicious and irresistible savory pie, delighting all your guests during an aperitif or as an appetizer with a tasty savory finger food.It’s perfect to serve as artichokes are seasonal vegetables during this time of year. The filling is made with ricotta cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano (aged Italian parmesan cheese, you can find it in specialty stores or substitute with regular parmesan), eggs, and of course artichokes, flavored with fresh mint leaves and nutmeg: the perfect filling between two crispy discs of puff pastry, don’t you think?The Easter Artichoke Pie, Sausage-Stuffed Artichokes, Cauliflower Savory Pie, or the traditional Easter Pie are must-try recipes if you love this kind of preparation! Now all you need to do is preheat the oven, gather the necessary ingredients, and make this Artichoke Savory Pie with us!Ingredients for Serves 82 rolls of Puff Pastry12.3 oz of Artichockes2 cloves of Garlic10.6 oz of Cow Ricotta0.7 oz of White Wine1 Eggs medium size4 Mint leaves0.14 oz of Nutmeg ground3.5 oz of Parmesan Cheeseto taste of Extra Virgin Olive Oilto taste of Saltto taste of Black PepperCopy Ingredients ListOpen in AppMethodDownload our <b>APP</b> with exclusive content and <b>LESS ADS!</b> <span style="color: var(--cdr-green);"><b>Click here and GET IT FREE</b>To prepare the Artichoke Savory Pie, start by cleaning the artichokes: once cleaned, cut them in half and slice each piece into thin strips. Peel and finely slice the garlic cloves, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil in a pan and sauté the garlic for a few minutes.Add the artichokes and cook for a couple of minutes, then deglaze with white wine. Let the wine evaporate and season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir the artichokes occasionally and continue cooking for about 5 minutes. Once done, turn off the heat, add the mint leaves and set the artichokes aside while you prepare the cream filling.In a bowl, mix the ricotta, egg, and grated cheese with a spatula, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. Combine the ingredients until you obtain a thick and homogeneous mixture. Now, proceed with the puff pastry. Roll out one sheet using a rolling pin, butter and flour a 9-inch (23 cm) springform pan, and carefully line the pan with the pastry, making sure it adheres well to the sides.Pour in the cooled artichokes, add the ricotta cream mixture, and spread everything evenly using a spatula. Roll out the second sheet of puff pastry and place it on top of the filling to seal the pie. Prick the surface with a fork and bake at 180°C (350°F) for about 25 minutes. Once ready, remove your Artichoke and Ricotta Savory Pie from the oven and let it cool in the pan. Then unmold it, transfer to a serving plate, and serve to your guests. Finally, remember to download our App with exclusive content and fewer ads!Variations and AlternativesEnhance the dough by adding your favorite chopped fresh herbs, and sprinkle poppy seeds on top of the pie before baking to make it even more unique and flavorful.StorageYou can store the Artichoke Savory Pie in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days.Comments Cancel reply Leave a comment