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Pollo Cacciatora: Chicken, Hunter-Style

Chicken cacciatore "italian hunter style" is a typical dish from Italy that features chicken braised in a tomato-based sauce along with onions, garlic, and red wine.
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Pollo Cacciatora: Chicken, Hunter-Style
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Prep 15 minutes
  • Cook 50 minutes
  • Servings 4 people

Curious about Pollo alla Cacciatora? It’s a tasty main course rich in flavor, typical of Italy and originating from the peasant tradition: in Italy we usually eat this during Sunday lunch with family and friends, usually served with baked potatoes and polenta.

Chicken cacciatore is called “hunter style” because it is traditionally made with ingredients that a hunter might have on hand after a day of hunting in the Italian countryside. And as you probably guessed “cacciatore” means exactly hunter in Italian.
As a side note this recipe actually follows the tuscan version of the dish, in which olives are not included and wine must be chosen wisely (perhaps a Montepulciano or a Chianti).

Like all traditional country dishes, the recipe varies not only from region to region, from family to family, but also according to the season in which it is prepared. Thus, if cooked in the summer you can add peppers thus preparing a perfect Hunter style chicken with Peppers or, during the autumn, black olives thus obtaining a tasty Hunter style chicken with Olives.


Copy Ingredients


  1. To prepare Chicken Cacciatore start by cutting the chicken into pieces; In a saucepan prepare a sauté with the diced onion, celery, carrot and rosemary sprig. Once the sauté is ready place the chicken pieces in the casserole, season with salt and pepper and brown well.

  2. When the chicken pieces are browned evenly deglaze the whole a nice glass of full-bodied red wine while keeping the flame high. At this point add the chili pepper, cherry tomatoes, and tomato sauce and let it cook on a low flame for about 45 minutes. Just before the end of the cooking time add the bay leaves, taste and adjust the salt if necessary.

  3. Once the chicken is well cooked and seasoned, turn off the heat and serve your Chicken Cacciatora piping hot with all the cooking juices that have been created.

    Ricetta Originale Pollo Alla Cacciatora


Black olives are also included in chicken cacciatore in some parts of Italy, and in some cases, bacon.


To enjoy your Pollo alla Cacciatora at its best, serve it with some excellent polenta or nice warm slices of homemade bread.


Chicken Cacciatora can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. You can also freeze it if necessary.