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Steamed Prawns

Steamed Prawns are a tasty way to enjoy prawns au naturel and without any added fat. Delicate in flavor and flavored with Orange and Lemon these Steamed Prawns are a perfect second course.
Recipe Steamed Prawns
  • Difficulty Medium
  • Preparation 5 minutes
  • Cooking 10 minutes
  • Servings for 2 people

The Steamed Prawns are a quick and easy way to prepare perfect Light Prawns without adding any kind of fat and can best preserve all the taste and nutritional values of prawns.

The Steamed Prawns Recipe is a very easy recipe, ready in 10 minutes and great for making Steamed Prawns that are excellent to enjoy like this or enriched with a drizzle of extra virgin d’olive oil and a few drops of lemon, or use them for the preparation of other recipes. If desired, you can use Fresh Prawns, thus preparing Fresh Steamed Prawns or also use Frozen Prawns, thus preparing equally good Steamed Frozen Prawns.

To prepare perfect Steamed Prawns, all you need is a very ordinary steamer or a handy basket that can be inserted into a pot at home, and with minimal effort you will get really tasty Light and Natural Prawns. If you want to know How to Cook Steamed Prawns you just have to follow our recipe.

Ingredients for 2 people

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  1. To prepare Steamed Prawns start by washing the prawns under running water and place two orange slices and two lemon slices cut into wedges in a pot. Then add about 500 ml of water and a pinch of coarse salt.
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  2. Place the prawns in the steaming basket, insert it into the pot, cover with a lid place on the stove. From the time the first steam begins to appear, allow about 10 minutes.
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  3. Once the cooking time has elapsed, carefully remove the basket and the Steamed Prawns are ready to be enjoyed.
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    Ricetta Gamberoni Al Vapore

Variations and Alternatives

If you wish, you can add a few sprigs of rosemary, sage or thyme to the water to give your Steamed Prawns a more Mediterranean flavor.


Be careful because the cooking time varies greatly depending on the size of the prawns. For perfectly cooked Steamed Prawns 5 minutes after cooking, take out a prawn and check the state of cooking.


Steamed Prawns will keep in the refrigerator for 1 day.
